Currently I work as a research scientist at the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences at the University of Washington. Before that I was a postdoc in the Laboratory for Auditory Brain Science & Neuroengineering, and before that I got my PhD from the UW Department of Linguistics. Prior to graduate school I was a graphic designer for four years. I also spent some time as Vice President of Northwest Tree Alliance, a start-up educational non-profit focused on sustainable urban ecologies. Before that, I did my undergraduate work in Neurobiology and Philosophy, also at UW Seattle.
This site is built with jekyll from markdown source using a modified version of the lanyon theme. Text is set in Linux Libertine and M+ using webfonts. Most of the navigation icons come from Font-Awesome and AcademIcons, with a few homemade ones mixed in via Fontello. Jekyll scholar, pandoc, and XeLaTeX work together to generate the HTML and PDF versions of the CV, with custom CSL and BST files to style the bibliographic information and some python scripts to handle inconsistencies that crop up along the way. Perhaps someday I’ll get jekyll-orcid working for me and then the CV will just update itself, but in the meantime I try to keep it reasonably current.